Sunday 14th April 2024

The first of the Spring ride outs saw Nineteen motorcycles, one with a pillion passenger, meeting as usual at Peterborough Services at Haddon (A1/A605 junction) for a chat, coffee and then the formal briefing for 9.15am ready to set off at 9.30am

Tim Helstrip was home from his International Job for a few days and had planned a route to a favourite destination, Wymondham Windmill.

With a group of this size, we decided to use the 2nd man drop-off riding system to keep the riders all going in the same direction, Kevin Wishart volunteered to be TEC.

We left the services at 9.30am, with the sun shining, although it was still a bit on the cool side.

We headed up the A1 just one junction and then took the country road to Elton, through the Sibson bends and on to Wansford.

The route took in some great Cambridge and Lincolnshire Roads leading us to the Bitchfield village road and the Bitchfield bends, a big favourite with Bikers, from Corby Glen to Grantham.

This is one of the best motorcycle roads in the area and being a dry bright day it was perfect.

We rode through Colsterworth and onto Wymondham Windmill for coffee, breakfast baps and cake.

The service was excellent, as usual at the Windmill, despite twenty of us descending on the café, as well as being very busy with other Customers. We all sat in the sunshine, enjoying our food along with some chat and banter.

The return journey, took in some of the great roads in Rutland, under the Harringworth viaduct, bypassing Corby and through Benefield on the very nice A427.

Our end destination was Oundle for Coffee, where a few of us stopped for refreshments before setting off home.

Thank you, Tim for today’s ride out, to Kevin W for TEC duties and as always, everyone else for their company.

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